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Three Reasons Children Hold Sacred Value in God's Eyes

Three Reasons Children Hold Sacred Value in God's Eyes

Children hold a profound significance to God, evident through several compelling reasons. Firstly, they are meticulously fashioned by God Himself, each one crafted in His own image. King David marvels at this divine craftsmanship in Psalm 139, where he reflects on God forming each child intricately in the womb, highlighting the uniqueness and purpose inherent in every individual.

Secondly, God's plan for each child is intricate and purposeful. As Psalm 139:16-17 reveals, God knows each child intimately even before their birth, and He has ordained specific days and purposes for their lives. This divine foreknowledge underscores the immense value God places on every child, emphasizing that they are not merely products of chance but intentionally created with a destiny to fulfill.

Moreover, children play a pivotal role in God's Kingdom. Throughout Scripture, from the Old Testament teachings to the ministry of Jesus Christ, children are portrayed as inheritors and carriers of faith. The teachings of Jesus, such as His welcoming of children and declaration that the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14), illustrate God's profound concern for the younger generation and their spiritual growth.

In essence, children are deeply cherished by their earthly parents, but they are also uniquely valued by God Himself. They are intricately designed, purposefully planned for, and intended to contribute significantly to God's eternal purposes. Therefore, it is our sacred duty to honor and nurture children, guiding them in accordance with God's will and teachings, so that they may fulfill their God-given potential and play a vital role in advancing His Kingdom on earth.