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4 Fun Ways to Cultivate Thankfulness in Kids This November

4 Fun Ways to Cultivate Thankfulness in Kids This November

What are you thankful for today? Gratitude is a central part of a life rooted in faith, and teaching kids to notice and appreciate God’s blessings is a valuable lesson that lasts far beyond the Thanksgiving season.

Here are four creative and engaging ways to help kids develop a thankful heart and recognize God’s goodness in their lives.

Create a Thankfulness Chart
Turn gratitude into a fun daily activity with a “thank you” chart! Grab a poster board or design one on the computer with columns for each day of the week. Each day, encourage your kids to write down at least three things they’re thankful for.

Take this activity a step further by connecting their gratitude to God’s provisions. For example, you might say, “God gave us rain, which helps the flowers grow,” or “God inspired someone to invent chocolate milk — what a gift!” These simple yet meaningful conversations teach kids to see God’s hand in every good thing

When the chart is full, celebrate by reviewing all the blessings listed. Keep the completed chart on display as a reminder to remain thankful every day.

Crack the Code” of Gratitude
If your kids love puzzles, this activity is a great way to combine fun with faith. Write the first letters of the words from a Bible verse about gratitude, such as 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Give thanks in all circumstances…), as a secret code: “1 T 5:18 G T I A C.”

Challenge your kids to decode the verse by looking it up in the Bible. For older kids, you can make the code more complex; for younger ones, offer clues to help them solve it. Afterward, talk about what the verse means and how they can practice gratitude in every situation.

Play I Spy: Thankful Edition
Turn waiting time or car rides into an opportunity to cultivate gratitude by playing a “thankful edition” of I Spy. Start by saying, “I spy something I’m thankful for that’s big and green,” then let the kids guess what it is.

When they get it right, share why you’re thankful for that object — for example, “I’m thankful for trees because they give us shade and clean air.” Let the kids take turns spotting and sharing what they’re grateful for, reinforcing the habit of noticing and appreciating God’s blessings in everyday life.

Write a “Thank You” Card to God
Encourage kids to express their gratitude creatively by designing “thank you” cards for God. Provide paper, markers, and other supplies, and let them include pictures, poems, or even secret codes in their cards.

Once the cards are complete, take a moment to pray together, thanking God for His blessings. Praying out loud with your kids not only reinforces their gratitude but also helps them grow comfortable with communal prayer, a skill they’ll carry into adulthood.

Gratitude: A Lesson for Every Season
A thankful heart is a happy, God-honoring heart. By using these activities, you’ll not only help kids practice thankfulness but also teach them to recognize God’s abundant blessings in their lives. May you and your children enjoy a Thanksgiving season full of joy and gratitude — and carry that spirit into the year ahead!